Tony plummer the law of vibration
Tony plummer the law of vibration

tony plummer the law of vibration

In Chapter 2, Plummer explains that gematria’s expanded purpose was “…twofold first to give an harmonic structure to spiritual texts and second, to ensure that an additional – and higher – form of knowledge was transmitted with those texts.”Ĭhapter 3 introduces The Law of Three that purports to reconcile opposing forces of mental energy (active attributes) spiritual energy (passive attributes) and a third force that reconciles the two. Gematria was often used by ancient writers to reveal information to highly intelligent readers while keeping that information hidden from most other readers. Plummer shows how he used gematia, a system of assigning numerical values to letters and words, to interpret the hidden texts within a visible text.

tony plummer the law of vibration

Like Gann, Plummer should be taken most seriously. But as Gann was, Plummer is a leading trader and writer as those familiar with his several excellent books on technical and psychological analysis of trading already know. Plummer notes that Gann never revealed The Law although it is perhaps a critical underpinning of his analytical methods because he feared the same skepticism that will greet Plummer’s book today. It may be helpful for this book’s readers to scan a partial summary of Gann’s methods in Perry Kaufman’s Trading Systems and Methods, the fifth edition of which is also reviewed this month. Later, in his 1927 novel The Tunnel Thru the Air, Gann made more references to it. However, as early as 1909, legendary trader William Gann (1878-1955) made equally cryptic reference to The Law. Gurdjieff refers to The Law as The Law of Seven, which may be a more appropriate name for it. The Law was later described cryptically by the Greek-Armenian mystic George Gurdjieff (1866-1949) in his Beelzebub’s Tales first written sometime between 19, but published in 1950. He describes his use of gematria, a system of assigning numerical values to letters and words to assist in interpreting text that reveals this law. The first reference to it is in The New Testament’s Gospel According to St.

tony plummer the law of vibration

Plummer writes, in painstaking detail, how he came to understand the Law. In its more complex form, The Law describes the pattern of oscillations in collective human behavior” (page 6). It “…defines the pattern of rhythmic time cycles and identifies the critical points in these cycles where evolutionary changes can occur…. The Law of Vibration, he writes, can be used to forecast the future. Tony Plummer intends his book, The Law of Vibration, “For the global community of independently-minded technical analysts and economists.” Only those who can suspend skepticism long enough to read it, or at least its last two chapters, will qualify despite Plummer’s intelligent, clear prose. Petersfield, Hamshire (UK), Harriman House The Law of Vibration: The Revelation of William D.

Tony plummer the law of vibration